Our bodies have become so polluted as we are in daily contact with heavy metals, from pharmaceutical medical procedures, our drinking water, the air we breathe, all the chemicals in our cleaning products and cosmetics, and household furniture. So our body’s toxic load has become critical in many cases. This harmful toxicity that has accumulated over the years in our bodies, including heavy metals such as mercury and lead, bacteria, viruses and even other minor mold allergens (non mycotoxigenic molds) can cause many unwanted symptoms of feeling unwell. So many diseases and health conditions are caused by toxicity, (up to 75% of all cancers may be due to toxins) along with chronic fatigue, inflammatory responses, neurological disorders, and the list goes on. Symptoms and even chronic diseases related to heavy metal toxicity is believed to be a root cause, of symptoms like low energy, mood disturbances and cognitive changes. Some of the symptoms include but are not limited to:
Balance & Coordination, Dysfunction Fatigue, Food Allergies, Weakness, Aches, Muscle Cramps, Unusual Pain, Headaches, Light Sensitivity, Red Eyes, Blurred Vision, Sinus Problems, Cough, Shortness of Breath, Abdominal Pain, Diarrhea, Joint Pain, Memory Issues, Focus/Concentration, Issues, Confusion, Disorientation, Skin Sensitivity, Mood Swings, Appetite Swings, Sweats (especially night sweats), Temperature Regulation or Dysregulation Problems, Excessive Thirst, Increased Urination, Static Shocks, Numbness, Tingling, Vertigo, Vitamin Deficiencies, Metallic Taste, Tremors
Heavy metals first enter your bloodstream from various exposures and these metals then travel throughout your body and penetrate the cells of various tissues and organs, where they can remain stored up for years. Let me help remove this buildup and damage that these cause to your systems and neurologically too.